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【物理】科学报告会(2017第一期)“Using Novel Physics to Understand Cultural Heritage”

发布时间:2017-03-13 00:00   点击数:

3月9日,我们有幸邀请到了杜克大学物理系主任Warren S. Warren 为我院师生做题为《Using Novel Physics to Understand Cultural Heritage》的报告。我院王宇教授主持本次报告会,约有二百多人参加了此次报告会,会场座无虚席。



上午十点,报告会开始。首先王宇教授简要介绍了Warren S. Warren教授。接着Warren S. Warren教授就杜克大学的概况,地理位置办学规模等方面为大家做了简要介绍,还进一步介绍了与武汉大学物理系的友好关系和历史。接着Warren S. Warren教授从黑色素瘤近年的预防和治疗进展开始,分析了中国的黑色素瘤的状况。在中国每年大约有2万黑色素瘤的病例,且增长速度很快。然而,中国对这些肿瘤的预先检测技术却相对落后,提前预测肿瘤的发生对于降低肿瘤死亡率有着极其重要的作用。整场报告内容丰富,Warren S. Warren教授详细介绍了物理在生物检测以及物理在历史文化继承上的重要应用。师生们受益匪浅。


互动阶段,我院师生积极联系自身研究方向和时下热门研究进行了提问,Warren S. Warren教授也都一一发表了自己的看法。

最后,此次报告在热烈的掌声中圆满结束!(撰稿:胡学佳 程向阳 摄影:丁华琪)


Warren S. Warren is the chair of the Physics Department at Duke University, and James B. Duke Professor of Physics, Chemistry, Radiology, and Biomedical Engineering. Warren’s research interests and 300 papers reflect advances in very fundamental physics or technology, generally using magnetic resonance or nonlinear optics, with applications in extremely complex systems such as clinical imaging and art conservation. He has received national awards from the Optical Society of America, the American Physical Society, and the American Chemical Society. He is also the author of an award winning undergraduate textbook, The Physical Basis of Chemistry.
